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Monthly Edit: May 2021

26th May, 2021

Your monthly edit of everything food, science, nutrition and impact. Curated articles, films, podcasts and must-read books that the team at TYME are hungrily discussing.

LISTEN: This Rich Roll podcast is a  deep dive into brain health, outlining the role food plays in our brain function hosted with Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai. Learn how you can optimise your cognitive functionality with the power of food.

WATCH: ‘Rotten: The Avocado War’ on Netflix. This docuseries travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavoury truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.

READ: In his book ‘Metabolical: The truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet’ Dr Robert Lustig presents a stark exposé of how our addiction to processed foods is behind the increase in non-communicable diseases.

SPOTLIGHT: Matthew Barney: Redoubt. See the artist’s first solo museum presentation in the UK in over a decade, featuring the UK premiere of a ‘breathtakingly beautiful’ new feature-length film. Hayward Gallery, 19 May – 25 Jul, £12

‘Build[s] an emotional power that’s unusual in any kind of art.’ - The New York Times

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