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Foodsteps - All About Our Partnership With The Groundbreaking Food Environmental Impact Platform

14th Nov, 2022


Everyday more and more consumers want to know how their food choices impact the planet, and rightly so since food contributes 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the biggest cause of biodiversity loss. Yet, it is still proving very difficult for them to access such information without falling into the trap of greenwashing or having to scan through very confusing and over-complicated information. 

This is why we have partnered with Foodsteps, so our customers are able to easily access accurate information about our environmental impact and make educated choices when they shop with us.

Who Are Foodsteps and What Do They Do?

Foodsteps is a platform that enables us to measure, track and reduce the carbon footprint of our products from farm to fork; their principal impact data source is their award-winning database of peer-reviewed academic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies, constantly updated with the latest available data on thousands of ingredients and products worldwide. 

Life Cycle stages breakdown: Farm > Processing > Packaging > Transport > Retail > End Mile > Cooking > Food Waste

Since the Life Cycle Assessments are specific to food items or ingredients, Foodsteps has to analyse primary data which means that, rather than relying on secondary data, they look at the bespoke systems, journeys and processes involved in producing that item. Lots of specific data points have to be collected (sometimes from suppliers directly!) before the assessment can begin.

Tyme x Foodsteps

Undertaking a thorough life cycle analysis, Foodsteps have been able to give our dishes carbon labels (have you spotted them on our products?). These easy to spot labels aim to help customers, like you, to understand the overall environmental impact of our products. Did you know that 80% of our food items that were assessed by Foodsteps are rated “Low” and “Very Low”? (assessment completed in 2021).

We have also worked with Foodsteps to do a deep-dive into our operations and find out where there may be carbon emissions hotspots in our product life cycle. This is all to help us in our commitment to reach Net Zero by 2030. More on this can be found below.

Why Life Cycle Is Important for Us

Looking at the entire life cycle of food items or products is essential to TYME for two reasons:

  1. It ensures we are considering emissions at every stage, not (conveniently!) leaving out stages of the process that might contribute to the product's environmental footprint the most.
  2. It ensures that the data we share with out costumers (via carbon labels, for instance) is compliant with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the Green Claims Code.

We continuously strive to reduce our environmental footprint and engage our customers and community in every step of this amazing journey towards a better future for everyone!

For more information on our Sustainability Strategy, click here.

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